Friday, 2 March 2012

Dealing With AD/HD At Martial Arts Norwich

AD/HD and Martial Arts Norwich

AD/HD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a development disorder mainly found in children of below six years. It is diagnosed as a childhood disorder affecting around 1 out of every 80 kids worldwide. However, its causes are not known; it is believed to be due to some genetic disorder or some kind of chemical imbalances in brain.
This is not actually any disease; it is just a tendency to get easily distracted. Science has not yet discovered the reason and solution to the problem, but Martial arts norwich does. Science assumes it as a mental problem and tries to break down the unconscious minds of kids to stimulate the conscious side by drugs and medications. Martial arts norwich are more successful in treatment of this problem in natural ways, rather than treating the kids as patients. Drug medications left various side effects on kids without any guarantee of getting the problem solved, while, Martial arts norwich have best treated ADHD individuals. Some sociological studies on the martial arts norwich stated that martial arts norwich actually worked to reduce the practitioners’ aggression (Nosanchuk, 1981). ADHD is all about aggression, such people suffer an inability to focus, or control attention during activities and Martial arts norwich has the way out of it; these arts provide a positive outlet for child’s energies working silently on his/her self-image and self-esteem. Martial arts norwich fights the symptoms as well as effects of ADHD, including restlessness, anxiety, impulsive feelings, and forgetfulness and produce calmer, happier kids filled with confidence.

Different types of Martial Arts Norwich

One of the Martial arts norwich forms best suitable for ADHD kids is Okinawa traditions and mainland Japanese styles. These styles teach an ADHD child to control the emotions by empowering inner strength and better understanding. Aikido, Kendo, Iai-do, and Kenjutsu, are some martial art norwich forms that create structure and consistency helping ADHD kids to become focused and overcome the disabilities they have. Tae Kwon Do, Kung fu, and modern Wu Shu are based on techniques and applications and create ritualistic and disciplined behavioral qualities within kids. Aikido is perfect martial art form, highly ritualized combat technique and extremely beneficial for kids to enhance their physical well-being and improved self-confidence as well as many psychological benefits. Some sword styles such as like Iai-do, Kendo and Kenjutsu offer a strict blend of form and function, tough to learn but incredibly advantageous.

ADHD children are not resistant to learn; they just do not know how to pay attention, and martial arts norwich teach them to get that attention. ADHD child generally has better intelligence, and martial arts norwichprovide them a platform to improve and show that intelligence. Scientifically, kids with ADHD disorder lack chemicals that work in brain and affect mood, pleasure, pain, focus, and attention. These chemicals are Dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. Physical activities, mainly martial art

[caption id="attachment_457" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Martial Arts Norwich"]Martial Arts Norwich[/caption]

s norwich increase these chemicals and thus treat the ADHD issues naturally helping to relieve stress and frustration that often accompany ADHD.

How Can Martial Arts Norwich Help

If your child is diagnosed with any such symptom, contact Master Steve Cowan, a martial arts norwich expert and trainer in Norwich, (Norfolk) and get expert advice for your child. Help your child to leave back the stress and enjoy a healthy normal life with Martial arts.

Visit our martial arts norwich web page for more details.


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