Sunday 27 May 2012

A Woman’s Perspective on Martial Arts Norwich

A Woman’s Perspective on Martial Arts Norwich

[caption id="attachment_220" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="martial arts norwich"]martial arts norwich[/caption] Many women are turning to the Martial Arts Norwich as a form of exercise in order to feel more physically fit, lose weight, and develop muscle tone. This option not only gives them all of these benefits but also has the added bonus of turning all of the hard work into a form of practical self defense at Martial Arts Norwich. The ability of self protection is proving to be of much higher value in the long run. Besides, with rising crime rates across the board, this becomes a tremendous advantage over traditional fad diets and gym memberships. The problem for many women in other types of self defense Martial Arts Norwich schools arises on the first training day. The rooms are filled with sweaty, over enthusiastic young men with testosterone oozing out of their ears. These men at Martial Arts Norwich tend to want to inflict and feel at least some pain in order for the session to feel productive. This element of danger is nearly always enough to turn away most women. Thus, many will never be able to learn effective self defense techniques due to this rather large obstacle. Martial Arts Norwich is a much different setting. The instructors are knowledgeable, low key, and respectful of each student’s needs. Many Martial Arts styles are simply not suited for women in their entirety. Martial Arts Norwich instructors tailor the techniques to make them the most efficient, comfortable, and practical choices for today’s modern woman. Some schools try to over emphasize the importance of sport competition to the point of making those who do not compete feel out of place. If a woman is inclined to compete then by all means this could be a viable option. Yet for most women, these testosterone filled events simply don’t hold an appeal. There is another alternative. Martial Arts Norwich is a system of styles and techniques with truly everyday life applications in mind. The foundational purpose of these tactics, are to effectively avoid or diffuse violent, physical attacks. Not only is the curriculum based on self defense techniques, but avoidance, non violent conflict resolution, and distraction are in the mix. A much heavier importance is placed on the role of escape and getting away, rather than conquering an opponent.

Reality training at Martial Arts Norwich

Many women like the idea of the self defense & Martial Arts Norwich side to the training but still slow at the idea of being in a class full of men. The tendency is to seek out women only classes in order to get around the problem. Those that do this are actually doing themselves a disservice. The fact is that more often than not, an attack will come not from a woman towards a woman, but from a man towards a woman. Though a women only class can get most women close to achieving a true grasp of self defense at Martial Arts Norwich, it will still lack that sense of reality. There is nothing that can replace actual training with much bigger, stronger, and more aggressive opponents. Mixing the class with women and men will give the dose of realism that is needed at Martial Arts Norwich.

More From Our Martial Arts Norwich School

For those still worried about such a class, Martial Arts Norwich classes are specially designed to make each student feel comfortable. There are no classes with loud obnoxious men posing in front of mirrors and tackling one another. If you want a true self defense system, in an environment that caters to both sexes in a comfortable, safe atmosphere, then Martial Arts Norwich is for you. Our Martial Arts Norwich Website =

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