Monday, 13 June 2011

MMA Training in Norwich

Icon Jiu Jitsu Team, recently moved to larger, full time premises in Norwich, Norfolk. Due to the success of our MMA & BJJ programs we needed larger and better training facilities. This encouraged us to move to to our full time academy on Mason Road, Norwich.

We installed a semi circle cage, so members can get the real feel for MMA and what UFC guys must experience inside the cage.

We also installed many strength and conditioning tools, such as rope climb, pro chin up bars etc.

With MMA in Norwich really taking off and becoming open to all, we are now offering 30 Free days to come and try out our new academy in Norwich. Come and see our UFC training for a full 30 days, without having to pay a penny.

So if you’re looking MMA or UFC training in Norwich and want to train with the best, call Icon jiu Jitsu Team Norwich Today for a free trial 01223911968


Try the 30 day trial yourself here:

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