Wednesday, 1 June 2011

The price of MMA BJJ

Paying the Price

So what is the price you have to pay to be good a MMA / BJJ? I will tell you more in a latter , but meanwhile, here is a taster:

The price involves devoting a reasonable chunk of your life to the project of becoming the best, (best coach, competitor, martial art writer, interviewer, champion etc). Probably at least 4 years, more like 8. Obviously some have done it in less, but very few. It takes this long to learn how to do it. Actually it could take half this long if you were prepared to listen to the advice of those who have done it before you, but few are willing to do this. Anyway, it is hard to learn from the mistakes of others - we learn best from our own mistakes.

This means that you must love whatever it is you are going to be doing to become the best.

This cannot be a 8 year prison sentence. It just won't work.

You cannot mortgage your present for some future benefit twenty years down the line. You cannot do something you hate whilst persuading yourself that it will be worth it in a few years when you are ready. Forget it. You won’t last 1 year, let alone 8. That job will eat you up long before then.

To make it in mma or bjj you need absolute dedication to the task at hand. This means love for your art and belief in what you’re doing. If you can achieve this you’ll have a great training life and make a huge success of yourself. This is something worth going for, I think.

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